Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), as a kind of binary targeted therapy, the biggest difference lies in the use of boron drugs that can target tumors, relying on the difference in boron drug absorption between tumors and normal tissues to achieve precise targeting and killing at the cellular level. Therefore, boron drugs play an important role in BNCT therapy, and the most critical component of boron drugs is the boron 10 isotope it carries. Natural boron contains both boron 10 and boron 11 isotopes in the ratio of 2:8, of which only boron 10 is able to capture thermal neutrons, while boron 11 does not have this effect, so the boron in boron drugs actually refers to boron 10 isotope. However, the abundance (isotope content) is rarely examined in traditional drug development, and therefore the current regulations do not specify how much boron should be present in boron drugs, such as boron 10 phalanx (BPA, the only boron drug approved for marketing), and there are fewer publicly available data on the impact of choosing boron drugs with different abundance levels. In order to provide the best quality boron drug for patients, our researchers, based on a lot of research and experiments, have determined that the development of boron drugs, such as boron 10 farnesyl, should preferably be 99% or more in abundance, which has better clinical significance.
Anhui Poly recently received the NMPA issued the approval of the marketing application of chemical APIs, the involved product is magnesium hydroxide API.
Tecovirimat is a small molecule, broad-spectrum membrane protein inhibitor that inhibits cell-to-cell and remote transmission of viruses by inhibiting the activity of the orthopoxvirus VP37 protein, preventing orthopoxviral proteins from forming a virus-specific wrapping complex, and preventing the export of infectious enveloped virus particles.
Poly Pharm. has successfully developed Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA) through synthetic biology technology. The product is obtained through genetically engineered strains of bacteria using a multi-enzyme co-catalytic method for specific substrates, and the purity of the product reaches more than 99%.
Anhui Poly, a wholly owned subsidiary of Hainan Poly Pharm. Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"), has recently received the “the Notice of Drug GMP Compliance Inspection Results" (hereinafter referred to as "the Notice") issued by Anhui Center for Drug Evaluation, the product involved is: API (cyclophosphamide).